It's just like the dentist.
Just relax.
It hurts for a little it, but then the pain goes away and everything is normal.
Maybe they'll even give you a sticker for beeing a good girl.
A very, good little girl.
And then maybe you won't have to come back again.
Becasue they fixed you good.
And maybe it's like school.
You have to go through several hours of torture,
but in the end its all for the better.
And when your bad, and not good,
you get punished.
But if your good you don't ever have to go back,
because they teach you good.
But maybe it's like riding a bike.
It hurts to keep going,
but you get stronger when you push over the pain.
And you get to the top of the hill and smile.
But sometimes you fall and skin your knees
and lose a tooth,
and paint the cement red.
But if your good you can ride over the hills and down into the valies
and over mountians and under trenches.
Because someone taught you good.
But maybe it's like...maybe it's like life.
Un-sure of what is beyond the next door,
and un-easy with leaving where you are.
un-certained of the train's destination,
but you go on anyway.
And maybe you'll regret the choicese you've made.
But you won't if someon eloved you good.
Little girls are good.
Suger, spice everything nice.
But as we progress through age, and little girls are baked into young ladies... the recipe changes.
Young women are
sugar, spice, everything nice,
self hatred, self neglagted, falsifier, liar, actor, procrastonator, loyal, gullible, sour, blonde food dyre, and blue eye contacts. A push bra or two, and just a pinch of supression.
And everyone always goes by the recepie.
and eveyone is made into gingerbread copies,
and everyone loves the tate.
the taste of fake.
Little girls aren't made this way.
But with enoguh minipulation we can make them.
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