They say that a nightengale cannot sing once caged.
Good thing I was never much of a singer.
I used to be really good with locks when I was young.
A modern Hoduni, my friends would say.
But then things were diffrent.
Everything is diffrent, and that's not all that bad either.
Change is inevitable,
But so many people don't understand,
So change has always been a big
Change changes all the time.
Cages change,
and so does the nightengale.
I don't consider myself a bird,
More of a snake, if you ask me.
Because I shed my skin and I can walk away whole.
A nightengale cannot.
They can only sing.
But a nightengale can fly.
I cannot fly.
Some cages you just can't break free of,
Some locks can't be broken.
And some skins can't be shed,
And some songs can't be sung...
A body is a most dangerous thing.
Because it honestly,
Is the most perfect thing
Give to a race born out of flaws.
This cage does not fit this nightengale's song...
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