Friday, October 14, 2011

Life is pretty, only when you make it

Life is such a loose subject to talk about. There are thousands of theory's on how life began.
But life it's self...? No one can directly say what life is.
However, the dictionary defies life as the general or universal condition of human existence.
My personal therory is that life begins when we as human beings are formed.
True, we have foarmed our bodies in a womb, incubating there for 9 months.
But we are not human beings until we begin to "be".
That's when life really begins. When we as individuals start to develope our own personalities aside from what our parents want us to be.
It is a parents job to protect their children, and work twards them having a better life then them.
From the second we are born they make decisions for you to help you reach that goal of a better life.
They give you a name.
They give you clothes, and dress you up as a princess or a cowboy.
Every parent wants the best for their children. They mold us like clay.
Children are clay, and parents are the sculpters.
The teachers are the master artists, and the rest of the insignificent world , are the cricts.
Everyone is a critic.
But the basis of life begins when the clay begins to form its self. When the it develpoes cracks, and dents up to the piont where the sculpture cannot be retouched anymore. There can be no more done for it, but to let it decompose. And we decompose back into clay...
But that raw state of being clay, is what life really is.
No one is alive.
True, we are all living and breathing..but we are not alive.
We live in the world of the artists brush. Everything is painted, and plastered…and only when we are broken down, and are nothing but clay...when we can sit upon the sidlines and observe the work of art that we live in...we will never truely be alive.
Life is an unatanable apple. Red, big, and juicy. Plump, on God’s highest tree that rests on the tallest mountain.
Life is meaningless.
The journey to that apple called life? The journey is where life really should be lived..not at the peek of the mountain..but at the slope leading up to it.

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