Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pretty People: Robbie (I am what I am)

Youth is about discovering yourself, and adolescence is about refining that definition and in some cases re-discovering your findings. For me, I had discovered myself at the young age of Ten.
I knew that I, Robbie Cody was smart. Intelligent.

School is like a science lab.
It's a time for experimenting; seeing if the right two chemicals get together...will it be perfect chemistry? or it may all just might blow up in your face.

I never forget his face...sweet and caring.
He was always shy though...Like that little lost toy in the chest box. So adorable...But never played with. Scared a little. Almost timid is the word...
His name was Kareem.
I remember... 5th grade sitting in those tiny desks...exchanging glances.
Everyone else around us was playing with their "chemistry sets"...

He was always scared of telling the "world about his discovery". I never was. I was proud of my experimental success.

We picked ourselves us by our boot straps, and we put on our lab coats and found the secret ingredient to perfect chemistry.

The secret ingredient to a great experiment is love. For your lad partner...but mainly for yourself.
How can you love someone else if you can't love yourself?

After our first kiss...I knew I was bi. I had no problem with that fact about myself.
Many people feel that they have to hide from it; hide from themselves.
Lucky for friends and family were supportive. True, there was the occasional person who didn't like what I was...but I don't need to hide or change for them.

It's my life, not there's.
Live your life for YOU!!!!

However, all good things eventually come to an end... Kareem moved away...however that feeling i felt for myself did not.

We lost connection...but I didn’t loose my confidence.

Some call it science, I call it chemistry.
Every "Scientific Discovery", is a part of you. You never know who you are unless you put yourself out there and experiment!
 I love the way I am. I know who I am, and I love it.

Pretty people are made from ugly experiences.

I am me, and I am not going to hide it.
I am a pretty person.

Every day.

Robbie Cody, 15 years old October 20, 2011

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