Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pretty Girls Suicide. Support art and Save a life. Love yourself!



A Pretty Girl’s Suicide

All the voices say
She has such a pretty smile
One that lasts for days
Like it was plastered on her face

All the voices say
She wears such pretty clothes
The colors that just stand out in a crowd
Like she was a butterfly

All the voices say
She has such pretty eyes
A mixture of green and blue
Like where the ocean meats the sky

All the voices say
She has such pretty hair
It would shimmer in the breeze
Like dew on grass

All the voices say
She was such a pretty girl
A girl who would make boys mouths water
Like a freshly baked apple pie

But pretty is as pretty does
Every time she glimpsed a mirror
It would tell her those voices are saying lies
She couldn’t take it, all the lies

So she committed suicide
She had a pretty smile
She had worn a pretty dress
She had left open her pretty eyes
She had been strangled/hung by her pretty hair

The world is full of pretty things
It has its pretty people
Lots of pretty words
Many pretty places
But when will pretty stop

Clenched in her hand
Was the lipstick she smeared
On the mirror in front of her

( It read )

Pretty girls
Live in pretty fantasies
Ugly girls
Live in ugly realities
Pretty words are measly ugly lies
( http://picaninny-ice-freeze.deviantart.com/ )

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