Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pretty People: Sara Beth (I'm not the victim here)

I'm not the vitcim here...
I'm not the pray.
I didn't stand there and wait for it to happen. I was smart about it.

Every kid hears about bullies. THere in practically every fairy tale.
The step-sisters in Cinderella.
The mom in Hansel and Gretel.
The wolf in Little Red riding hood.

But I knew I wasn't in a fairytale...Like I said, I was smart.
Correction I am smart.

Bullies are like Detrivors. They pick at the dead, kill the half-alive, and circle you until you drop dead.

Weakness are parts of us that are dead...

I knew I had to loose a few pounds.
I learned that was my wekness before they did.
But that's good...right?
My friends weren't Barbies.
They were un-discribable.
Pretty. Bruenette.
They looked like me... but i was...thicker than them.
They didn't need to loose weight. They never had.
I always have.

I wasn't about to do this blindley.
I wanted to put of the weight and keep it off.
I started going to the gym alot.

Not eating, only hurts you. Eating right is better then not eating at all.
If we all jsut put alittle effort into what we eat, we might not have to suffer from bullying on weight.
If you stop yourself from bullying, you may being stopping another person's misery too.
Stand up, grow up, Stop it.
Jsut because your not the target yet, doesn't mean you won't be eventually. Take a stand and make sure your not the target. Stop bullying!

Its wrong, and don't let it happen to you or others.

Pretty People are made out of ugly experiences.
I am pretty person.
Every day

Sara Beth 14 years old. November 3, 2011.

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