Monday, December 5, 2011

I'm sorry Anna...

I'm sorry Anna.
I tried.
I tried to stop them..but they just shoved it down.
to hell with all my hopes of being beautiful.
I'm so sorry.
I dissapionted you.
I'm a disapiontment.
I'm ugly.
Im a spalttered bug on your windshield.
Go on, flick me off.
Wash me away in the water of discontent and
whipe me clean of sins
and splatter me onto the roadside
and let the vaultures eat my inners..
what is left that is.
I am Sorry Anna.
i can never be as beautiful,
as thin,
as perfect as you.
But what i'm most sorry for?
Im sorry, dear perfect Anna,
That i let you capture my uglyness in this photo.
oozing everywhere.
Why Anna?
Im sorry that im not thin enough.
Sorry Anna.

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