Monday, May 14, 2012


She's always had a thing for fire
because when she was young and they were supposed to tell her
"don't play with matches or you'll get burned",
instead they handed her the pack and said
"If you want to see the light, then light it".
She looked like Beauty,
but she talked like the Beast
and played with fire like it was the rose.
Burn marks define her
Because fire leaves scars
lighter than the lines of a broken heart.
Fire smooths over surffaces.
it hurts,
hurts but you get over it.
Because fire?
you can put it out in a second,
but a heartbreak will never burn out.

So when they were supposed to tell him to
"bring her home by eight or else"
H went and told her that
"He had hotel room eight locked and that she better not scream or else".

She was too strong to tell him that she was fragile,
she was too shy to tell him that the lighest touch could break her.

And when she brok and he cut himself on her glass eyelashes,
he cut her with glass.

So when she need to hear
"it's ok to not be ok."she heard
"what were you wearing the night that you were raped?"

And thats why she struck the match in the back of the MOTEL 6 and became a human candel in the wind.
Not because of all the things we put her through.

Acording to her epitaph:
"Some people just want to watch the world burn"

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