Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fun House World

Body Dimorphic.

Body Dimorphic is the disease that makes you feel like you’re living in a fun house of horrors. Every Mirror is a fun house mirror. You’re always too fat. Too short. Your nose is bigger than it should be.

About 1-2% of the general population is affected by body dimorphic disorder. This estimate, however, is inaccurate due to a number of unreported cases...because the problem with Body Dimorphic, is that most people do not know they have it. Or in even worse case, they refuse to except reality of diagnosis.

The most prominent cases of Body Dimorphic have been with the age group of 10-30.

Body Dimorphic is a gate-way disorder to anorexia and or bulimia and many other disorders that usually lead to a beauty related early death.

That is why I would like to introduce you to:

RACHEAL BAUGHAN, 27, from Crawley in Sussex, is an entrepreneur who runs her own modeling agency. She has written a book, The Butterfly Girl, about her body-image problems.

Rachel was Diagnosed with Body Dimorphic Disorder (BDD) in 1998. Since then, she has seeked treatment and written a book that I would HIGHLEY suggest to many people. Her words and her journey is inspirational to girls like me in this fun house world.

Hayley Michelle: un-officially diagnosed with BDD in the winter of 2010. Seeking personal treatment now. And is now focusing on educating others about this growing dilemma in the teen reality of beauty obsessions and disorders.

Please, spread the word about this and educate yourself. Test yourself to see if you suffer from this disorder alike many people in the world. Below are links to all articles mentioned, and an on-line test for BDD. Please take, share results if you want and please get help. I am here for you....all of you who are reading. One pretty person to another. <3

Hayley Michelle


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