They say your teenage years of life are the hardest. When your a teen, you have so much to worry about. Grades, college, having the friends, looking pretty to get a date.
But that didn’t' really mean anything to me.
I personally don't think it should matter. You should be judged by what’s in your heart, not what’s in your coach purse.
My parents thought the same; it wasn't necessary. But to the world it is. If you’re not bedazzled to the nine's...your nothing. Like fashion says "One day you’re in, and the next day you’re out".
I guess you can say I was "in" in elementary school. But yet...I was different. My friends were plastered carbon-copy Barbies...with the Ugg boots, and wristlets. Nothing was ever good enough for them.
They would always talk fashion. They talked "trash Fashion"
"Oh my god, Chelsea, did you see those hemi-downs? Disgusting!!!"
And the worst matter of fact, is that they talked about each other when the backs were turned.
I knew they always talked about me.
I was like the Teresa in the Barbie group. I looked like them...but I never truly belonged.
I had friends outside of the popular click. I had great friends, in fact....
Her name was Niki. She was so sweet to me. She never complained about the fact that i never owned a northface jacket...she was like me. And we were never materials girls, but we were living in the material world.
I think the final straw was with Niki.
I was at a party with all of them, and we were hanging friends do! But the minute she turned away, they're smiles formed to sneers and they jeered at her shoes!
"Oh my god, did you see those hideous sneakers? Who wears those? She should get herself a pair of Uggs, if she wants to look less pathetic".
I just couldn't take that anymore. The back-talking and the hurting of friends...So I had called up my mom and told her that i needed to get away.
You see, the beauty in that phone call was the power i had to do something right. I didn't need to stand there and take any of their gossip. I had a choice to join in, or actually do something right....
it feels good to take the path most over-see. The correct one.
As humans we all want to fit in.
The world is like a puzzle. You eventually fid the pieces that you click with...But you also try things that don't really work out. Together, united we make a picture.
My puzzle? My puzzle is a picture of a pretty girl. Pretty isn't in the clothes, it's in the heart.
Pretty people are made out of ugly experiences. And the true beauty in them is the strength they had to overcome the ugliness of life and keeping going.
I’ve Brocken through to the other side. I'm in the pretty. I'm confident. I'm happy...You should be to. With yourself...with the world, with everyone!!! And you should never change that for any Barbie. No one.
I am a Pretty Person.
Chelsea Dyer 15 years old September 26, 2011.
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