I grew up as this shy little thing...I never socialized. It was just always me and the Twinkies.
You know, sometimes I try and look back and laugh at it. Honestly. But it's hard sometimes.
I think it was the fourth grade when it had all started...
Everyone always says "Don't forget the little people in life"..But what about us Big guys?
I was 180lbs when I entered fourth grade. Everyone with their Barbie pack-backs and they're power ranger lunch boxes... Laughing with tiny little giggles...
But then there was me. This big..thing. Built like a bear; like the biggest loser "before".
I was always picked on for that. Because I was like a sumo wrestler...Or so I was told back then.
They wouldn't even let me play baseball with them. Its something i will never forget...walking out to that green baseball field and having all of these stick boys turn me down. i wasn't good enough for them....I wasn't good enough for anyone...
By the end of elementary years, I had reached 243 lbs..and the biggest I was ever in my life, was 260lbs!
I wasn't even on the Body Mass Scale...
I had this realization at the end of my middle school years...epiphany about me.
I had been sitting in the shadows of my weight...If I want something to happen, I have to do it. No one else. Its up to ME.
So the first thing I did was stop eating "bad foods". Cut off all fatty foods, and no soda. Except diet on rare occasions. Start filling up on fruits, veggies and liquids. When you drink lots of water, your body thinks its full. (good tip!)
I also started walking NON-STOP. The tip is to get a pedometer and make sure you walk 5000+ steps a day.
So today? I weigh 163lbs. And NO ONE makes fun of me. If anything? My past has made me stronger.
No ones perfect. Don't strive for it. Strive for being happy with yourself. You will never reach perfect if you don't feel good already.
Stand up for yourself! We are the only ones who can change the future!
Pretty people are made out of ugly experiences. And the true beauty in them, is the strength they had to overcome the ugliness of life and keeping going.
I’ve Brocken through to the other side. I'm in the pretty. I'm confident. I'm happy...You should be to. With yourself..with the world, with everyone!!!
I am a Pretty Person.
David Ruiz, 15 years old September 22, 2011.


Super Brave and very inspiring, Thanks Dave!