IMAGE: http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=scary rape&order=9&offset=48#/d24xzc0
I've seen darkness before my own mortal eyes,
and looked past the piont of no return and glanced further,
and casted my eyes upon the fool's gold waiting at the end of the rainbow,
but then I was blinded.
And I heard the screams of the innocent,
and the cries of the convicted,
and listened further for the sweet sidistic melody of happiness and pain,
Before I became death.
And I sang sorrow,
and talked wisdom,
and laughed daisies,
and screamed out in dainty anger,
But then i became mute by your hands.
And even though i am deaf, blind and mute...
I still hear you.
I still see you.
And i can never erase you from me.
"Water will wash away everything if you let it" they say.
But i've scrubbed until I bleed,
and then I scrub more.
And maybe, I'll just scrub to the bone and be...born-again,
With that fucking memory of you BURNED into my scapel,
and the sheets will be my noose.
You could have at least left me some feeling....couldn't you?
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