Friday, August 31, 2012


she was the girl that sat in the far back corner of the classroom that everyone thought was bi-polar. Only, she wasn't, she was only trying on personalities like clothes in a department store to see which ones fit best.

[in the end, she bought the clothes that her classmates liked the most because it seemed to her it was better to be loved by others, than it was to love herself. she never really knew how to love herself anyways, and by senior year in high school, it was too late to start trying]

eventually, she couldn't tell which her was the real one and she ended up hating all of them, but she was never able to throw them out and go shopping again, for fear that none of the stores would have her size and she wouldn't be able to remember which style she liked more anyways.

[she thinks that maybe, one day, she'll go to the mall on black friday, even though she missed it this year, because she was scared that all the skirts would be gone before she even got to the highway. In reality, she never even got past the driveway]

one day, she says she's going to look in the mirror and see herself

[but the mirror cracked before she could even open her eyes again]


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