Oh how I long to be that shallow girl, the one who never
Gave a single fuck.
I've kept a straight head, looked down all my life
But I've got a secret. I know what the stars look like when they cry.
The look like my reflection in the puddle
that the supposed whore dances in.
Mucking up the lies
of someone perfect.
Who is despratly trying to mess up
to remind herlsef that she is in fact, human.
She used to write secrets on bathroom walls
Kohl eyeliner scrawled on the stalls
Singing secrets to strangers,
Weeping on the sidewalk.
She's a thousand words
Ugly parts that make up
And ugly whole
Or, at least,
that's what society shoves down her throat
But she can't throw this food up
Let's make a deal
That I will love you
Longer than you'll ever love me
So that way I can become you
and you can desipate into the shadow of something you've never wanted to be
And I can be your life support
And you can be the penicilin
And we can play pretned until the
stars stop weeping
and the rain stops
but we continue to dance because
we want to.
Class, turn to page thirty seven
Here you have an example of a girl
Fighting for her life,
Clutching on to any plastic beliefs that she can.
(Stolen Poetry Peice by Hayley, from http://daydreamerinsomniac.deviantart.com/ )
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