Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I don't remember how to breathe,
I must have forgotten along the way;
Standing on the cliffs over looking
The mountains that sink into
Water or something deeper.
Who needs air when we have nerves.


I am right, right?

Well maybe I'm left.
Turning into the elbows
Off the roadway
I parked and sat there for
And hour or so
Repeating those words on the
Screens spread wide
For everyone to see

I was terrified,
I am terrified that everyone would see
Will see


The remains of my youth
My passion

That rejection letter stamped on my hands
Branded into my skulls and bones
Agonizing with the sounds of
Absolute and un-promising


Time goes on,
Time heals everything
But failure--- failure is wasted time

And you can't get time back
You can't replace or pause or steal or hold onto it

So I can't hold onto me.

Because I am failure.
Inside my blood
Boiling to a frozen state of
And Rage
Utter disappointment

Because you were my net
But I feel through into the arms
Of the mosh pits

So the world can see and comment on my life
As a post with the words
On top of our car roofs
By the edge of the cliffs

If this was a post you'd comment


And maybe I would
Because all I have ever wanted to do is please you

But maybe...

Maybe I'd just suspend my legs
Over the world and cry wolf
So you would come running down the sidewalks
screaming fire
Clearing out the movie theatres
To save me....

But this is not gone with the wind:
And I know you "Frankly, don't give a damn"

I don't wear curtains.

So I freak out because
I'm just not that girl

I go into my roof and hold my
Lungs in a hug
Until they burst, or feel like bursting

And then air rushes through my body
And I---


How to breathe.



Then my feet lift

And I remember how to breathe again.




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